A Moment on the Lips…

Oct 11, 2023

Today, we address consumption – what we put into our bodies.     

Strict eating programs like keto, intermittent fasting, vegan, or Daniel are effective but unnecessary.  The revered Mediterranean diet lacks a rigid structure or prohibition against any particular food.  Even Michael Pollan’s famous declaration is imprecise – “Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

“Balanced” or “all-things-in-moderation” approaches usually fail.  A cluster of grapes does not counterbalance a stack of Oreos.  Likewise, moderation is the figurative rope we use to hang ourselves.  Glazed donuts need significant restriction, not merely moderation.  

A sensible, consistently followed consumption regimen is the only enduring, effective program.  “Sensible” is the type and amount of food that allows you to maintain or slowly lose weight.  

For those who wish to bypass this message in hopes of being saved by next week’s post on movement, know it is virtually impossible for physical activity to overcome poor consumption.  You must run four miles to burn off one slice of pepperoni pizza and a monster cookie.    

Food.  You do not need me to tell you which foods are better and which are worse or that eating more of the better crowds out the worse.  However, I recommend a few strategies:

  • You cannot eat what is not there.  Remove worse from your pantry.  
  • Eat at home more and avoid the enormous calorie bombs served at restaurants.
  • Bring food with you.  Do not allow fast-food joints to be your only option.

“Consistently” may include occasional cheat days when you indulge in forbidden fruit, provided you immediately return to your sensible regimen.  Being someone who never allows a grain of sugar past her lips reflects vanity more than a sensible restriction.  

Some suggest radical change is needed to motivate one to consume differently.  While acceptable, radical is onerous and likely to revert to where one started with the added frustration of trying and failing.  I do not recommend my stringent regimen as it is unnecessary and difficult to maintain (enabled by a weekly cheat day).

Drink.  Liquids often contribute to excessive calorie consumption – alcohol, sodas, coffee shop concoctions, etc.  

Water is the best fluid as it provides essential hydration and aids digestion, body temperature regulation, and joint lubrication.  Also, drinking the recommended eight glasses of water daily likely reduces calories from less favorable beverages.  

Alcohol consumption has some compelling emotional and social benefits, but it consists of empty calories and reduces inhibitions towards poor eating.  How many times have you stopped at Whataburger on the way home from the discotheque?  

My Irish and Italian ancestors would spin in their graves, and I would be a hypocrite, given my hearty imbibing on cheat days, if I advocated for total abstinence.  In a case of do what I say and not what I do, I endorse the current official daily limit of two alcoholic drinks as it likely captures the benefits of alcohol consumption while avoiding its perils.      

The Deck is Stacked
One would think healthy consumption is easy, given the abundance of available diets, superfoods, and magic elixirs.  Au contraire.  Judging by supermarket shelves, restaurant offerings, and TV advertising, the unhealthiest foods are the least expensive, most promoted, and most consumed.

We also blame middle-age spread.  Yes, muscle density decreases, and flesh gravitates towards your waistline or derriere as you age.  Still, this reality does not justify your waistline expanding four inches since you were fitted for your prom tuxedo.    

The best benefits of sensible consumption are not a lower number on the scale or a svelte figure; you feel better and avoid the multitude of serious ailments caused by excessive weight.  Without delving into the science of gut health, inflammation, and food-as-medicine, you feel less bloated and sore by restricting certain foods and have more energy by increasing better foods.  


Sensible consumption is not a get-rich-quick or fad diet scheme; it requires commitment and consistent, intentional effort.  It is not easy,1 but necessary.  52 Steps Forward readers are undoubtedly up to the challenge. 


1Some people have exceptional compulsions requiring extraordinary measures like 12-step programs.  If you want to learn more, contact me to connect with dear friends who are program sponsors.  

Guest Editor

Michael Schall, President of Pod Foods; Legendary CPG leader and avid supporter of his colleagues.


SAYSO is the first-ever cocktail mix in tea bag format, designed to be steeped in spirits and cold water (omit spirits for a mocktail) to create a restaurant-caliber cocktail in under three minutes. All of our products are all-natural, low calorie, low sugar, and delicious as both cocktails and mocktails. Your at-home speakeasy just became so very easy.