Abdicating to the Squeaky Wheel

Mar 22, 2023

How Did We Get Here?
When I tune into a conservative news outlet, I am bombarded by commentators spewing the most outrageous conservative positions and conspiracy theories. They rail against the ignorance, hypocrisy, and ill intentions of the left while extolling the virtues of the right. If I escape the echo chamber and turn the dial to the left, I find the same content directed toward the right.

It is an “either with us or against us” mentality without any middle ground. Every issue is a self-righteous fight between good and evil. I don’t know if the politicians or media take the lead, but the broadcasts mirror the pronouncements from our politicians. Politicians are compelled to pander to the extreme end of their party to win primary elections and media outlets must do the same to attract viewers.

If I believed the politicians and media, I could only conclude both Republicans and Democrats are certifiably crazy and would want nothing to do with either of them. However, when you speak with party members, 90% are good, rational people, the kind you would go to dinner or fishing with.

Why the dichotomy between media portrayal and reality? We simply allow the extremists to take the microphone and serve as the de facto spokespeople of the political parties. The 90% readily identify this problem and lament their party is not as portrayed in the media.

The Effect
Under the current system that essentially requires you to choose a political party, your mere identification with one labels you as an extremist.

During the last presidential election campaign, there were stories of high-brow residents of fancy high-rise condos almost coming to blows over political views and opponents refusing to ride in the same elevator. Another friend who is a member of a religion traditionally associated with one party told me he lost 75% of his friends from his religion because he supported the presidential candidate from another party.

I heard a licensed medical doctor delight in a dog biting a human because the dog had sniffed out the victim as a racist based on his political affiliation.

The 10 percenters do have virtue as catalysts for change even if they cannot bring their vision to fruition. AOC and Greta Thunberg may create an awareness that inspires us to bring bags to the grocery store but not enough to support fossil fuel-killing legislation.

Regretfully, intransigent attitudes have created an obstinance that prevents any form of reasonable discourse. We now tend to conflate our disagreement over political issues into a moral conflict. If you are for a border wall, you hate the huddled masses. If you are against the wall, you hate the American Way. We argue with an unjustified sense of certitude. Of course, the truth lies somewhere in between and outside the scope of this message.

What are we to do?
First, do not succumb to a knee-jerk reaction that the loud, squeaky wheel represents the views of the majority. In fact, it is safe to assume the opposite.

With the 90%, seek higher ground and you will find common ground. Jews and Muslims that would not break matzo/naan together, will high-five each other while working at a homeless shelter. At a time when many conservative Christians dismissed AIDS as a “gay” disease, conservative Christian President George W. Bush, in the interest of eradicating suffering, launched the largest commitment by any nation to address a single disease, PEPFAR.

With respect to the 10%, appreciate the passion, the courage of their conviction, and the need for strident voices. However, I do not know what words you can use to change their dispositions. When all else fails (and in every case), model the behavior you wish to see.

Next week, we will explore the misguided position of silencing contrarian views.

Guest Editor

Lynne McLean, CEO of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County.



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