Most Likely, the Answer is Within You

Jan 11, 2023

We are constantly searching for a brilliant solution to our problems so we can take the right action. The reality is that, in most cases, the answer is already known to us and it isn’t very brilliant. A lack of will, not knowledge, most often holds us back from reaching our goals.

If you want to increase sales, you could undertake an extensive analysis of your brand positioning statement, total addressable market, target consumer, trade dress, marketing communications, etc. to devise a comprehensive go-forward plan to drive revenue growth. Heard those buzzwords before?

At the same time, you already know five customers who could buy more of your current products and identified five prospects who could benefit from your product. Contacting the “known” customers and prospects will have the fastest and highest probability of positively impacting your sales.

Another example. I recently lost a noticeable amount of weight without changing my fitness routine and my friends wanted to know my secret. They eagerly anticipated some Dr. Oz-like proclamation about a superfood, juicing program, or fasting regime. You can imagine their disappointment when I revealed the secret was something they already knew. I consumed more fruits, vegetables, legumes, and water which necessarily decreased my meat, bread, cheese, and fermented grape consumption by 80%.

The issue is not knowing the right thing to do;
it is having the will to do what is right.

Of course, there are systemic issues or other circumstances requiring study and higher-level solutions. For instance, there is no longer a market for DVDs or a thyroid condition requires medical intervention to achieve weight loss.

Wherever you seek improvement, assess if the obstacle is a lack of knowledge or will. The answer/solution may very well be executing upon what you already know. If you make those ten sales calls, you will sell more. If you eat more fruit and less cheese, you will lose weight.

If there is a knowledge deficiency, act to correct it but do not let the deficiency stop you from taking immediate action based on your available knowledge. After all, action and its results beget even more learning.

If the issue is a lack of will, that is a separate problem to be addressed another day (get about the business of doing it!) but at least you have removed lack of knowledge as a reason for your lack of progress.

Guest Editor

Robb Ziegler, Founding Partner of
Curiate propels people to create and cultivate value by design.



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