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The Worst Thing that Ever Happened? You Don’t Say…

The Worst Thing that Ever Happened? You Don’t Say…

His Story A crestfallen friend bared his soul and shared his tale of woe with the expectation of a sympathetic response.  What I heard was a tale of triumph, and I offered my congratulations.  How?  An alternative perspective created this unanticipated, contrarian...

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It’s Not Your Fault, but It Is Your Responsibility

It’s Not Your Fault, but It Is Your Responsibility

Each of us can point to circumstances not of our own doing to justify our current state (poor family, “bad” parents, surname ends in a vowel, went to Podunk school, etc.).  All of them may be true, and it is equally true that by taking responsibility for our response,...

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When the Phone Rings, You Need to Answer It

When the Phone Rings, You Need to Answer It

And sometimes it rings when we are unprepared or wish someone else was called.  We need to respond affirmatively to the opportunity even when the timing is wrong, we do not want to, or we do not feel suited for the task. It Rings We would immediately jump to the aid...

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Are You Sure About This? After residing with our goals for a month, now is a good time to address an issue hindering our progress toward accomplishment: fear.  Begin by considering how many of your accomplishments required passing through fear.   You were deathly...

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Ah, if we could stop at peace and joy, what a wonderful world it would be.  Not really; we are made for more.  Our moms were right; we possess and must use our unique talent.   For this reason, a fulfilling life requires accomplishment - the ambition to do something...

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