Stimulate your thinking with messages on meaningful subjects that lead you to a more fulfilling life with abundant peace, joy, and accomplishment.

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Now Where?

Now Where?

Self-limiting Beliefs. We are told we can do anything, or most people whose accomplishments we idolize did not start with or possess anything we do not have. Dutifully, our minds race to becoming President of the United States, inventor of the next iPhone, or owning a...

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What to Do?

What to Do?

What to Do? Now is the time we look toward next year and begin formulating New Year’s resolutions or goals.   Too often, we do not engage in the prerequisite thinking needed for effective goal-setting, and our goals are inconsistent, inadequate, or fail to account for...

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Draw The Line

Draw The Line

Doing it Wrong We all have or had a nemesis, the parent who nags you about having children, a boss who calls you on the weekend, or the friend who is always an hour late for dinner.   We reach a breaking point, grit our teeth, and threaten that the relationship is...

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You Bad, Me Good

You Bad, Me Good

Besides my Hypocrisy, it is True Thankfully, identifying our hypocrisy can lead to self-improvement and transforming a negative message into a helpful one.   You know the lesson taught to us as children: whenever you point the finger at someone, three fingers are...

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Keep Your Filthy Lucre

Keep Your Filthy Lucre

Really? This title is a counterintuitive one for a message on generosity.  At the mere suggestion of generosity, we expect a monetary solicitation and instinctively look to ensure our purse's clasp is firmly fastened.  However, money may be the last element of...

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