William Bigelow

COO, Blount Fine Foods

Richard’s subject matter and writing style are the perfect combination to provoke and inspire new ways of thinking. I encourage you to read 52 Steps Forward so you can become similarly inspired.



Ah, if we could stop at peace and joy, what a wonderful world it would be.  Not really; we are made for more.  Our moms were right; we possess and must use our unique talent.   For this reason, a fulfilling life requires accomplishment - the ambition to do something meaningful supported by the activity leading to its fruition.   Why Do You Aspire? Pursuing accomplishment fulfills our purpose and...

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Components Joy is not a temporal state of happiness but a persistent state attained by accepting every moment without imposing judgment.  Admittedly a tall order, but consciously practicing gratitude and maintaining a positive attitude reduces our impulse to judge.  Joy can be present, not because of, but during every circumstance.   Everyone reading this post on their electronic device over the...

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A fulfilling life starts with peace, a sense of calmness permeating your being, overcoming circumstances and distractions.  Without peace, it is more difficult to experience joy or attain accomplishment.   Peace may be present, but it is not toes in warm sand listening to the crashing waves or soaking in the majestic scenery from the mountaintop.  Nor is peace absent when you violently react to...

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The Fulfilling Life

The Fulfilling Life

The beginning of the year is the right time to explain and reaffirm the purpose of 52 Steps Forward – providing meaningful and useful messages leading to a fulfilling life with an abundance of peace, joy, and accomplishment.   The Case for It We start by examining the need to establish or pursue anything specific.  All of us have some idea about what we want and should do.  We are decent people...

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Auld Lang Syne

Auld Lang Syne

Before you stream the Guy Lombardo orchestra playing a musical version of Robert Burns’ poem, we must have the obligatory year-end review starting with the purpose expressed in the inaugural post: …created to provide meaningful and useful messages leading one to a more fulfilling life because I want to be helpful and I enjoy writing them.   Expectations v. Reality. Intent.  Originally,...

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