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Yes, Even While They are Still an SOB

Yes, Even While They are Still an SOB

Not a Chance You often hear, “I cannot forgive them until they say they are sorry.” Those who refuse to forgive until the offender expresses remorse, offers an apology, and makes amends do not understand the purpose or consequences of forgiveness and unforgiveness. The forgiver is forgiveness’s first beneficiary. The act of forgiveness releases the wounded from the emotional burden inevitably...

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Don’t Silence, Give Them a Megaphone

Don’t Silence, Give Them a Megaphone

Sweet Land of Liberty?In a country proclaiming freedom of speech as one of its preeminent values, we seek to silence voices instead of listening to them.College students protest to cancel speakers with positions they are opposed to. News programs are now echo chambers for one side’s political views. When a panelist with an opposing viewpoint is included, the resulting “discussion” is...

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Abdicating to the Squeaky Wheel

Abdicating to the Squeaky Wheel

How Did We Get Here? When I tune into a conservative news outlet, I am bombarded by commentators spewing the most outrageous conservative positions and conspiracy theories. They rail against the ignorance, hypocrisy, and ill intentions of the left while extolling the virtues of the right. If I escape the echo chamber and turn the dial to the left, I find the same content directed toward the...

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Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, But…

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, But…

Words will never hurt me. Do they teach children this lesson anymore or has it gone the way of cursive? Today’s message is for all of us – those in need of a refresher and snowflakes. Admittedly, it is easier to more widely broadcast words today than when I learned this phrase 50+ years ago and when penned in the mid-1800s. You are no longer limited by your ability to run around the schoolyard...

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Running From or Going Towards?

Running From or Going Towards?

We tend to focus a good deal of our time and effort attempting to stop negative habits. We also have a significant emotional investment in them as our minds are plagued by awareness of the habit and pointed reminders every time it is indulged. Avoidance We typically implement techniques designed to avoid the activity or punish ourselves for engaging in it. If the habit is using foul language,...

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