Father Time’s Reality Check
For my 60th birthday last year, I wrote the typical, funny, "I can't believe I'm here" stories about reaching a milestone birthday. Some harsh reality set in in the past twelve months, but it also validated last year's message. Reality Sets In Rather than hearing I looked too good to be 60, I endured abundant episodes indicating my appearance was age-appropriate. When I delivered my mom to...

Attaboy/girl for All the Right Reasons
What is the purpose of accolades, and what do we do with them? Acceptance First, accept the compliment graciously by thanking the provider. Often, we respond flippantly in an attempt at humility. Have you ever said, “Yes, the dress is pretty, but my butt looks big,” or “Yes, I finished the marathon, but I ran too slowly”? These well-intentioned expressions of humility reject or belittle the...

Don’t Silence, Give Them a Megaphone
Sweet Land of Liberty? In a country proclaiming freedom of speech as its preeminent 1st Amendment constitutional value, we now seek to silence voices instead of protecting them. College students protest to cancel speakers with “incorrect” viewpoints. News programs are now echo chambers for one side’s political views. When a panel includes those with opposing positions, the resulting...

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, But…
…words will never hurt me. Do they teach children this lesson anymore, or has it gone the way of cursive? Today's message is for those needing a refresher and snowflakes. Of course, it is much easier to widely broadcast words today than when I learned this saying as a child and when it was initially penned in the mid-1800s. We are no longer limited to whispering gossip into our classmate's...

Unavoidably Imbalanced
After a few months into this year's journey with your goals, you probably consider time constraints one of the biggest impediments to pursuing your goals. You seek perfect yet elusive balance. The answer is not measured by a beam scale of justice but more closely resembles the ebb and flow in a lava lamp. Rather than setting a precise time allocation, our goals must be pursued harmoniously. ...