The Shift
Today, I feel like Justin Bieber or Selena Gomez gushing over their latest albums and declaring they are milestones in their musical maturation. As I conclude the blog’s second year, my objective remains the same, but my approach has evolved.
I remain committed to providing useful messages on meaningful subjects that lead one to a more fulfilling life because I want to be helpful, and I enjoy writing them.
The new approach offers perspectives designed to stimulate your thinking rather than simply telling you what to do or adding to the abundantly available personal development resources. The new direction gave you fewer opportunities to say I was wrong, but you were up for the challenge. I admire your incredible ability to ferret out my mistakes and your unfailing diligence in informing me of them. Perhaps 52 Steps Forward is enhancing your effectiveness!
The Process
As with almost any endeavor, the second year’s output was better than the first year’s.
The sheer amount of writing improved my skills, yet I continue to fret over every word much more than necessary. I made great strides in removing the passive voice, but work remains to eliminate my frequent awkward syntax. When people tell me they must carefully concentrate when reading the posts, I understand it has as much to do with the prose as the content.
I do not use AI for drafting; it lacks the emotional depth and personal touch the messages need. I make the same comparison my friend makes with electric and gas cars, “The performance is similar, but electric cars lack a soul.” I do use Grammarly for its name’s sake.
The Videos
Midway through the year, I added introductory videos to my emails and posted them on LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. While the viewers do not mention me in the same breath as Cecil B. DeMille, Francis Ford Coppola, or even Mr. Beast, video creation exercises the creative muscle. The videos also provide ample fodder for my friends’ amusement (and ridicule). Cathy modestly declined cinematographer credit (hoping to spare herself the embarrassment of association with the content).
Gratitude For:
- Sadaf,1 the blog administrator, added video editing and posting on social media channels to her repertoire. You would not see a single word or image without Sadaf.
- The thoughts and experiences my life journey companions provided that found their way into my thinking and words. I observe, receive, and translate.
- For my dear subscribers whose faithful reading and feedback, critical and affirming, fueled my writing.
The Final Exam
The ultimate measurement is the blog’s impact on you. While no one shouts, “Your money is no good here,” when I belly up to the bar, the blog has garnered an intensely loyal, albeit modest, following. You kindly express appreciation for the messages and send many “I really needed this today” or “You hit the target” emails.
The blog also positively impacts me. The hours spent contemplating the subject matter changed my mind for the better. I thoroughly enjoy the contemplation and writing that goes into each message.
This blog also proves action is the means to overcoming self-doubt. Two years ago, I wondered if I had the means and perseverance to blog weekly. Today, there is no doubt.
The Journey Continues
I pledge to make the time you invest in reading worthwhile with new topics and new thoughts on subjects of enduring relevance.
I wish you the best and the ability to endure and thrive in every circumstance you encounter in 2025.
Finally, if you find 52 Steps Forward helpful, please expand its reach by inviting others to join our readership group. This is not a strong-arm request; I want subscribers, not victims.
1If you need a virtual assistant, I highly recommend Sadaf (contact me for a referral).