
Jun 21, 2023

Ahh, if we could stop at peace and joy, what a wonderful world it would be. Not really; we are made for more. Our moms were right; each of us possesses a unique talent meant to be used. 

For these reasons, a fulfilling life requires accomplishment – the ambition to do something accompanied by the effort necessary to bring it to fruition.  

Why Do You Aspire?

The pursuit of accomplishment provides a purpose, a reason for being, and satisfies our innate desire to make a difference in ourselves and serve others. The inclination goes beyond the obligation declared in graduation commencement speeches, “to whom much is given, much will be required,” with its biblical origin.     

Inaction exacerbated by the awareness of unfulfilled potential causes malaise, general discomfort, or unwellness. The objective is not to avoid regret and malaise but to pursue the satisfaction of using our gifts. 

It is the feeling that comes with passing an exam, finishing a project, counseling a friend, or taking your children to the park.  Witnessing the impact of our actions on others compounds our satisfaction. 

To What do you Aspire?

Every endeavor serves a purpose, and only you can decide yours. Do not sell yourself short or unduly burden yourself. 

You can make a meaningful impact as a teacher in one classroom. Many remember the modest teacher who touched your life as Sister Jean did mine in the second grade by believing in me, which instilled lifelong confidence. However, if you can develop a curriculum that benefits the entire school, state, or nation, you should provide it.  

At the same time, saving the world is not your responsibility. Of the billions who have inhabited our planet, only one has, and He was half-human. A save-the-world attitude is admirable if it does not hinder your effort due to seeming impracticality.  Consider the advice of one who did exceptionally well starting small. Mother Theresa said, “Never worry about numbers. Help one person at a time and always start with the person nearest you.” 

What will You Do to Achieve it?

Whatever you do, do it exceptionally. I intentionally did not choose “best” to avoid the peril of perfectionism. Of course, I do not advocate half-hearted effort. You know in your heart when you are making a worthy effort.  

Martin Luther King famously said, “If a man is called to be a street sweeper. He should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all hosts of heaven and earth pause to say; ‘Here lives a great sweeper who did his job well.’”  

Reverend King was correct. I interrupted my walk in Charleston to compliment the street sweepers who maintain the streets immaculately. They proved as hospitable as they are diligent by thanking me for visiting their fine city and recommending a breakfast restaurant.  

How does our effort compare to theirs? Your grandparents probably told you some form of “if it is worth doing, it is worth doing well.” I could write a blog article in five hours but invest ten because the extra effort is evidence of respect for my message and its recipients.  

What is Our Excuse?

You can rationalize but not justify inaction. Circumstances do not excuse you from accomplishment.  

Too old? Colonel Sanders started frying chicken at 65. Grandma Moses picked up the paintbrush at 76. There is hope for me; Laura Ingalls Wilder and Frank McCourt published their first books after turning 60.   

Under-resourced? Do what you can with what you have. Uncle Dave can no longer accomplish anything with his body but works magic with his spirit. My friend who brought him to an AA meeting told me Uncle Dave’s presence and story visibly inspired the attendees; they loved having him there. What would be lost if he hid his light under a basket?   

Thwarted by past failure? Be resilient and recall many of your most meaningful victories that came after your most challenging times.  

When you invest great effort into your talent, the resulting accomplishment is fulfilling and likely enriches others.  How can you say no to your ambition?    

Guest Editor

Mindy Robbins, Creator & Founder of Happy Sparkles Treats.


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