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A Stumbling Block
Our Natural Tendency Scarcity and abundance are present in every situation; our perspective decides which prevails. I feel like the country and western singer who introduces his next song by mentioning he sees a lot of himself in it and “you might too.” Fortunately,...
Ahh, if we could stop at peace and joy, what a wonderful world it would be. Not really; we are made for more. Our moms were right; each of us possesses a unique talent meant to be used. For these reasons, a fulfilling life requires accomplishment - the ambition to do...
Components Joy is not a state of happiness but a condition like peace that exists independent of circumstances. Joy is a conscious decision supported by gratitude and attitude. To begin with, everyone reading this post on their electronic device over the internet can...
A fulfilling life starts with peace, a sense of calmness permeating your being that overcomes circumstances and distractions. Absent peace, it is more difficult to experience joy fully or obtain accomplishment. Peace may be present, but it is not toes in warm sand...
The Fulfilling Life
After five months, it is past time to explain the subject of the 52 Steps Forward blog – pursuing a fulfilling life. This omission became evident when a faithful reader, colleague, and friend revised his LinkedIn profile to add he is pursuing a meaningful life. I...