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Abdicating to the Squeaky Wheel

Abdicating to the Squeaky Wheel

How Did We Get Here? When I tune into a conservative news outlet, I am bombarded by commentators spewing the most outrageous conservative positions and conspiracy theories. They rail against the ignorance, hypocrisy, and ill intentions of the left while extolling the...

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Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, But…

Sticks & Stones May Break My Bones, But…

Words will never hurt me. Do they teach children this lesson anymore or has it gone the way of cursive? Today’s message is for all of us – those in need of a refresher and snowflakes. Admittedly, it is easier to more widely broadcast words today than when I learned...

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Running From or Going Towards?

Running From or Going Towards?

We tend to focus a good deal of our time and effort attempting to stop negative habits. We also have a significant emotional investment in them as our minds are plagued by awareness of the habit and pointed reminders every time it is indulged. Avoidance We typically...

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Attaboy/girl for All the Right Reasons

Attaboy/girl for All the Right Reasons

What is the purpose of accolades and what do we do with them? Acceptance First, accept the compliment graciously by thanking the person who provided it. Often, we respond flippantly in an attempt at humility. Have you ever said, “Yes, the dress is pretty but it makes...

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Keep Your Head Up or You Will Miss the Best Part

Keep Your Head Up or You Will Miss the Best Part

How did we get here? In an information age that has (i) morphed from two cans connected by a string to wireless connectivity reaching every corner of the globe, (ii) expanded from three network TV channels to hundreds of 24-hour cable/streaming channels, and (iii)...

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