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A Moment on the Lips…
Consumption Today, we address consumption—what we load into our bodies. More than forty percent of us are obese, and suffer a multitude of severe health problems for it. Something has to give; we consume more than the amount needed to maintain our weight and nearly...

Your Temple
No, I am not talking about your place for religious services but your physical well-being, a prerequisite to a fulfilling life. Its importance is evident but not adequately pursued, given our country’s obesity epidemic and sedentary lifestyles. Since you already...

Just Start Already!
Failure to Launch If it only requires one step to begin the journey of 1,000 miles, why do we fail to take it, and how do we overcome our resistance? It is not the lack of or inadequate planning. In fact, planning may cause paralysis by analysis. You are still in...

Enough of the congenial tone of the past two weeks; as fair-minded as we think we are and aspire to be, we are often hypocrites. Good for the Goose, Good for the Gander? We particularly delight in criticizing things we have not and will not do. Many believe...

Progress Over Personal Condemnation
Casting the First Stone. Even our most exalted heroes have done something reprehensible. Peaceful changemaker Ghandi was racist and slept naked with his teenage grandniece. Humanitarian Mother Teresa allegedly provided inadequate, unhygienic care. Anti-imperialist...