William Bigelow

COO, Blount Fine Foods

Richard’s subject matter and writing style are the perfect combination to provoke and inspire new ways of thinking. I encourage you to read 52 Steps Forward so you can become similarly inspired.

Unavoidably Imbalanced

Unavoidably Imbalanced

After a few months into this year's journey with your goals, you probably consider time constraints one of the biggest impediments to pursuing your goals.  You seek perfect yet elusive balance. The answer is not measured by a beam scale of justice but more closely resembles the ebb and flow in a lava lamp. Rather than setting a precise time allocation, our goals must be pursued harmoniously.  ...

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Resist the Temptation to Be Virtuous(?)

Resist the Temptation to Be Virtuous(?)

What do I Mean? It is too easy to pursue the avalanche of “opportunities” from within, family, work, and friends that take us away from doing what we previously determined to be most important.  We discover the most troublesome enemies of accomplishing our goals are not obvious time wasters like social media but virtuous activities we enjoy.   We are distracted because we forget what is...

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Not Everything of Value is Worth Doing

Not Everything of Value is Worth Doing

The Threshold Issue Do you know what frequently stops you from doing what you want and should do?  It is saying “yes” to things you should say “no” to.  Warren Buffet says, “The difference between successful people and really successful people is that really successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.”  Alternatively, you can frame the issue positively by asking, “Does the potential...

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Ouch! Learning Reveals My Ignorance

Ouch! Learning Reveals My Ignorance

The “Regret” All learning fills a void that ignorance once occupied.  Perhaps a less off-putting word may be “unknowing,” but we must accept the truth.  When you have a little length in the tooth and learn something you “should” have learned sooner, you tend to feel bad that you remained ignorant for so long (frequently followed by a chuckle).  Usually, you are in abundant company.  The...

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If I Only Knew…

If I Only Knew…

The Search We needlessly postpone action with incessant searching for brilliant solutions to our challenges before acting.  We invest an inordinate amount of time seeking the counsel of wise sages and TikTok influencers.  In most cases, the answer is not very brilliant and is already within us.  A lack of will, not knowledge, often prevents progress toward accomplishment. If you want increased...

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