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What is Needed?

What is Needed?

Today, we will further distinguish mentorship from subject matter experts doling out advice.  Most frequently, an answer is unnecessary, inaccurate, or the question does not address the correct issue. No Spoon-Feeding Mentees, resist the temptation to implore, “Just give me the answer!”  Mentors mostly employ the Socratic Method, asking questions to stimulate critical thinking and empowering the...

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The Invaluable Relationship

The Invaluable Relationship

Stating the Case At some point, you have undoubtedly benefitted from a frank conversation with a trusted confidant, which leads to breakthrough growth.   While you may have incredible affection for that person and share incredibly intimate details of your life, that person is likely not a therapist, life coach, family member, or friend.  They are mentors who enable growth you cannot achieve...

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We are halfway through the year, and too many of us have made inadequate progress toward our goals. Previously, we have examined enemies of accomplishment, such as fear, discipline, and competing priorities. Today, we address overcoming other impediments. Failure to Launch It is time to start if you have not thought about your goals since your New Year’s Eve toast. While working out 200 days...

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Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

Mirror Mirror on the Wall…

Who Is the Fairest One of All? The issue is not possessing the Evil Queen’s vanity but our negative internal voice.  Too often, we talk to ourselves more critically than we would ever speak to someone else.     Of course, the parents who said, “You will never amount to anything,” the schoolyard bullies who teased you about your high-water pants, or gossiping co-workers who complain you are the...

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The Invisible Ceiling

The Invisible Ceiling

Cause Rather than proudly don a (non-Hawthorne) Scarlet A, I shamefully cloaked myself with the lamentable Crimson S.  Admittedly, today's message is a little more "Why and How-To" than my usual messages due to my prior unhealthy relationship with the issue.   Scarcity and abundance exist in every situation; our perspective decides which prevails and directs our actions. Our survival instinct...

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