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Ouch! Learning Reveals My Ignorance

Ouch! Learning Reveals My Ignorance

The “Regret” All learning fills a void that ignorance once occupied.  Perhaps a less off-putting word may be “unknowing,” but we must accept the truth.  When you have a little length in the tooth and learn something you “should” have learned sooner, you tend to feel bad that you remained ignorant for so long (frequently followed by a chuckle).  Usually, you are in abundant company.  The...

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If I Only Knew…

If I Only Knew…

The Search We needlessly postpone action with incessant searching for brilliant solutions to our challenges before acting.  We invest an inordinate amount of time seeking the counsel of wise sages and TikTok influencers.  In most cases, the answer is not very brilliant and is already within us.  A lack of will, not knowledge, often prevents progress toward accomplishment. If you want increased...

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Walk The Talk

Walk The Talk

Two months into the year - is progress towards your goals fitful, a cycle of starting, stopping, and restarting?  Do you have good intentions but lack the consistency needed for accomplishment?  Discipline is more than girding your lions and powering through; promise and patience are essential.     Promise Ironically, we are far more diligent about meeting commitments to others than ourselves. ...

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Keep Your Head Up, or You Will Miss the Best Part

Keep Your Head Up, or You Will Miss the Best Part

How did we get here? In an information age that has (i) morphed from two cans connected by a string to wireless networks connecting every corner of the globe, (ii) expanded from three TV channels to hundreds of cable channels/streaming services, and (iii) social media networks ruled by provocative influencers and enticing algorithms, our minds are unavoidably lured by and consumed with the...

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The Worst Thing that Ever Happened? You Don’t Say…

The Worst Thing that Ever Happened? You Don’t Say…

His Story A crestfallen friend bared his soul and shared his tale of woe with the expectation of a sympathetic response.  What I heard was a tale of triumph, and I offered my congratulations.  How?  An alternative perspective created this unanticipated, contrarian response.      “Bob” told me the failure of his business cost him his life’s savings and provoked feelings of shame.  Financial...

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